Thursday, 6 September 2012

Independent thinking about independence

There was some news about the Scottish independence referendum today, with one side going on about how it's a bad idea and the other side going on about how it's a good idea. I'm not picking a side just yet, however I'd like to point out what follows.

Independence is a slogan, not a plan for the future, because governments don't plan further than next elections, the planning ahead for ones children died out with hereditary dynasties of rulers.

It's a first step in the process, that's been at best vaguely summarised as 'We'll manage when we're independent!'

It's going to bring such a costly turmoil with all the changes in local authorities and administration and setting proper borders and sorting out tax money that it might be that Scotland will end up free but in even deeper financial trouble.

Independence is not going to stop a bleary eyed pregnant junkie turning up for her 20 weeks growth anomaly scan high as a freaking kite.

It's not going to unify people of Scotland, splintering into smaller and smaller groups over having a job or not, being Scottish or not, giving a shit about anything or not.

It's not going to suddenly make people more ambitious, keen, inspired to do more and be more.

Taking all this under consideration and other points missing from the propaganda that you can surely come up with yourselves and setting all the emotional outbursts aside - what's the need for Scottish independence right now in 2012, in the middle of the economic crisis, while the growing trend is for merging countries into bigger entities, if the outcome is at best uncertain?

I'm open for discussion but any shouty Bravehearts can kindly go fuck themselves.

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