Is there yet not enough people in this country who feel like they should be getting something for nothing all their lives? Has not enough helplessness been already created by giving and giving and giving, money, houses and child benefit? How many more children will be taught it is all right to expect someone else to sort out your life?
This nanny state is going way too far right now, turning healthy young people with ambition into helpless and crippled creatures. Provide basic shelter, food and healthcare, yes. Give people a chance to live the life they want to live, yes. Give people opportunities to learn the skills they will need to do so, yes. Invest in people who will then start companies, create workplaces, pay taxes and give back what they received, yes. Take this money and redirect it into the void made of these who will never, ever work and be a full member of the society, no. Waste what someone else worked for on ambitionless with no idea what to do with their lives, no. Teach people that it will be ok, you will always have enough for Sky package, iPod and two bedroom flat, no!
There was another story in the paper not that long ago. Apparently, in the age of global village, lightning speed communication, open borders, accessible education and free exchange of ideas there is still as little upward mobility between social classes as there was two-three hundred years ago.
Way to go, nanny state.