Thursday, 20 January 2011



Welcome to our shiny brave new world, connect to internet and disappear in a digital multiverse of multiple personalities, talk to people on the other side of the world just getting ready to fall asleep as you are drinking your morning coffee, wave to them via internet camera, take a picture of your toes and put it in a Photobucket and watch someone use it in an ad campaign, rant on a social networking sites, get a blog, two blogs, three, find any information you need in a flash without having to dig through dusty books in a forgotten corner of a library, play poker, send emails, earn money, lose money.

And when it's this inevitable time to leave the house, take it all with you in your pocket as a smartphone, that's as cheap as a monthly cost of broadband in our shiny brave new world, as an iSomething, as an eBook and once again, complain to anyone who listens, how bored you are and how dull your life is, .

It's like we are all turning into spoiled children throwing a tantrum after getting too many toys.

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