Sunday, 12 March 2017

Dilemmas of predicting the future in a second decade of XXIst century

Hmm, so what if...

What if people of an island with a strong economy and robust public services got thoroughly manipulated by politicians lying through their teeth and billionaire media barons into blaming every wrong in their lives on the immigrants from neighbouring countries and shutting the borders and cutting the ties and making the economy crumble and public services dissolve, even after the lies have been exposed...

Oh wait, this is already happening....

So maybe, what if a mediocre businessman and a popular celebrity, who puts his name on everything in big golden letters and melts into temper tantrums on social media, so it's safe to say has some serious narcissist issues, gets elected, on the back of lying through his teeth of course, as a leader of one of the biggest and most military powerful countries in the known world and has no idea what to do with this power other than throw more tantrums...


But, but, what if he was actually backed by one of the world's biggest powers, the one with shoddy record of sticking to human rights and a long annual list of disappearing anti government journalists and the government famous for lying through their teeth about everything in a language beautifully designed to skim around the subject, via said power's army of internet minions...?

Well, damn.

Return of fascism?

Nope, it's real.

A rise of global ignorance on an unprecedented scale, considering how wide spread internet is?

Read from the start...

It must be tricky to be a near-future-alternate-history-sf writer at the moment.

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