Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Three examples on politics of cats being superior to politics of humans .

Politics of humans: We will only do this if the other ones do it first because if we do it first than we don't have a leverage. Stalemate! Impossibility!

Politics of cats:

Cat 1: Hey, move.

Cat 2: No.

Cat 1: Move.

Cat 2: No because it's my spot and if I move you will take it.

Cat 1: Yes.

Cat 2: No. You move.

Cat 1: Ok.

Cats swap places.

Politics of humans: We can not help vulnerable humans because they were born on another side of an imaginary line on a map.

Politics of cats:

Cat 1: Hey, kittens.

Cat 2: Yes.

Cat 1: Are these yours?

Cat 2: No, I found them in the bushes and they smelled hungry so I made milk.

Cat 1: Ah. I'm going now.

Cat 2: Yes.

Politics of humans: Posturing, posturing, empty promises, lies, posturing, posturing, rhetoric, empty threats, lies.

Politics of cats:

Cat 1: I don't like you and I don't agree with you sitting in this spot of sun.

Cat 2: If you approach I will hit you.

Cat 1: You hit me!

Cat 2: I told you!

Cat 1: I challenge you to a duel!!

Cat 2: I will hit you!!!

*scuffle, howling, flying fur* Cat 1 wins and settles in the sun. Cat 2 sits at the edge of the sun spot, furiously ignoring cat 1.

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