Sunday 1 January 2017

Inevitable New Year resolves

In 2017:

I will get happy drunk more often than once every quarter. In company, obviously. *sigh* Yes, human company.

I will make one Brexiter/Trumpist/socialist utopian cry every month by destroying them with logic on social media.

I will read 103 books.

I will attempt to curb my trolling tendencies towards stupid people on social media.

I will visit one new European country. This one is easy for any geeks out there, all you have to do is keep an eye on locations of annual Eurocons and Worldcons. Worldcon in Finland this August, anyone?

I will write something not for work at least once a week. To flex the old brain.

I will make peace with there being not enough hours in the day to run a business, keep house pristine, socialise, travel, write blog posts and read 103 books.


I might hire an accountant and a cleaner. It's called 'prioritising'. 

Happy New Year, may your resolves be resolute and reasonable.

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