Saturday, 12 April 2014

The state will take care of you, comrade!

This week UK Government announced that it will introduce new criminal penalties for tax evasion, so that these horrible rich people can't avoid paying what they should.

It's great to live in a state that is so protective of its ordinary citizens, isn't it?

The government will help you financially when you're struggling, provide more affordable childcare for working parents, ensure roof over your head when you're homeless.

The government will patiently explain that cigarettes and alcohol are bad for you, you silly, and that you should eat five to seven portions of fruit and veg a day, three portions of fish a week and have a meat free day, for your own good of course and the environment, avoid fat, sugar and take-aways, but really don't worry too much because public healthcare is free too!

Well actually, why not put minimum pricing on alcohol, so that you can't afford this nasty poison? And let cigarette prices soar, it surely will convince them stupid smokers to quit. And let's get the ever widening smoking ban rolling, which is now going to ban people from smoking in their own cars if they have kids and even in their own homes, but, hey it's all for the kids welfare!

So is the intrusive social work system based on the assumption that kids don't tell lies about their parents. But it's for everybody's good, bad people have to be caught and punished! In fact, why don't we cut legal aid so that these nasty criminals can't afford lawyers to talk them out of a just punishment? And let's make civil legal aid almost inaccessible, so free legal representation during divorce proceedings is so hard to obtain people will be forced to stay together. And signing benefits over to a single parent takes months and months anyway, so it's better to stay together, parents, all for everyone's greater good!

An speaking about crime, why not put these nice cctv cameras not only in public places but also on staircases and on moving vans that can zoom right through people's windows. Well, you don't want anybody to misbehave, right? And crime levels will surely go down if we put more police officers in the community, possibly allow them to use a bit more force in confrontations, just like a trained dog or five. No, stupid, they don't bite unless you've done something.

And the issue of papers! Newspapers and magazines, they shouldn't be allowed to just print whatever they want, surely? They have to be kept on a leash by this government agency because if you let them freedom they go and hack people's phones! Like, yes, they will hack your phone and make your mundane life into a story, oh horror! And internet, should we not restrict good British citizens access to some nasty,dirty websites like pornography ones and independent news? All for everyone's greater good, comrade!


Considering that all the above paragraphs contain plans that already have been or will be or could be introduced  in UK, at which point should we realise that we're living in a police state?


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