Thursday, 5 September 2013

Cats vs. babies

After a recent baby boom within my friends group, that I'm still trying to understand, I couldn't help myself and prepared this crazy cat lady's smug comparison.

Cats vs. babies

When cats wake you up, it's always about food. They might pretend boredom, but put their favourite dry food out and you can go back to bed.

Also, they don't care what time you go to bed. As long as it's not before the appointed dinner time. 

If they stay in the bed with you, you can fall asleep knowing you will not squash them, cats have a 'falling on me slumbering human body' radar.

No nappies to change.

You can go away for one night and nothing gets destroyed when you're away. If something got destroyed, you clearly didn't leave enough food.

You can go out, whenever, without social services on your doorstep upon your bleary eyed return at stupid time in the morning.

You can work shifts, on call, whatever hours come your way and not feel guilty about neglecting your cats. You can always catch up on cuddles and attention at 2am when you get home.

No nappies to change.

Litter trays to change, sure, but cats produce way smaller amount of bodily fluids than constantly growing babies. Even after eating half a tray of grass. They also don't puke, pee or poop all over you, ever.

Feel free to retaliate, parents.

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