Well, would it not be great to live forever, not be afraid of the certain uncertanity of death, be strong, fast and make your own morals?
Well... but you would also
- have no birthdays
- have no favourite local pub cause you would get suspicious looks after 30 years
- have no friends to get happy drunk on their birthdays cause they would all die
- probably wouldn't enjoy alcohol anyway
- or weed
- or sex
- or internet which is mostly about drunk/stoned people getting laid in interesting ways
- get stuck in your late teens (like in a movie) and have to go through the last year of high school over and over again like once wasn't bad enough
- get really pale and unhealthy looking and have to endure jokes about looking like living dead
- get obsessed with Ann Rice books
- be unable to travel abroad (security checks)
- be unable to go to the cinema to see vampire movies (too many clues)
- be unable to taste anything but blood and it's a pretty boring taste
I'll pass. And you my imaginary reader..?
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