Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Definitely NOT procrastinating

I'm NOT procrastinating.

It's just that:

  • My back is all knotted and gets annoyed with me if I sit on a chair for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
  • I have four cats to entertain and they start pushing things off the stairs when bored, things that I later trip on.
  • The plant looks like it needs watering.
  • I better sort through this paperwork and send some invoices to actually be paid next month.
  • Oh no, it's the end of the financial year! I have to find out who didn't pay me and chase them for the money.
  • It's quite entertaining to write politely threatening emails that mention small claims court.
  • One cat just tumbled another one down the stairs *sigh*
  • After dispersing the War on the Stairs it's time to tend to my scratched hands.
  • Is this delivery at the door?
  • ...
What the hell is it I was supposed to be doing ...?

See, NOT procrastination at all. Just the art of selective remembering.