You know you've been in Scotland for a long time when:
- You don't notice wearing winter jacket in June much.
- You watch news about hooligan wars in Warsaw and Polish "Policja " and "Ambulans" look kind of strange on emergency services cars.
- You can have a conversation with inebriated Glaswegian.
- You don't observe any religious festivals, which are a Polish equivalent of bank holidays.
- You make sure your top has a hood or take umbrella with you when leaving the house for longer than two hours, even if it's a perfect sunny day.
Almost seven years...
The world is on our doorstep, knocking.
These days, you can go and get support to become whoever you want - but so many people are just not interested.You can, if you really work on that, go and study in another country and then get a job there and stay - but people are avoiding having to work at all. For the first time in history if you're a woman you can decide not to have children without severe social repercussions - but every day on the bus you can see neglected children with unhappy mothers who became mothers just because they didn't really have a better idea on who to be.
I don't understand.
Why are people satisfied with so little? Why do you get comfortable in a council house that can never be truly yours, living with someone you're with because you're too scared to be on your own again, just with your thoughts and telly blaring to cover the silence? Why do you cut down your dreams to fit in what you have, year after year, until there's nothing left but shreds and a vague sense of regret?
Don't you dare say life is crap and there's nothing that can be done. There's a whole world on your doorstep. Just open the bloody door.
The zombie is quite a popular concept these days. It must have overtaken vampires and werewolfs by now, after the first ones got degraded to shiny teenagers (thanks, Twilight saga) or messy monsters (thanks, Skyrim) and the second ones to muscly teenagers (thanks, Twilight saga) or equally messy monsters (thanks, Skyrim). Zombies are in fact such a powerful concept in pop culture right now, the guy made a fortune on writing a Zombie Survival Guide.
But it's already too late.
If you look into the empty eyes of that third generation benefit scrounger in the post office line behind you, observe the automatically gum chewing gob of that thirty something suit lost in the rhythmic noise leaking from his headphones, or try to walk past a Next shop during the sale avoiding the claws and teeth of the mindless horde trying to grab what their rotten brains tell them they need - you will realise that zombie apocalypse has already happened. If you managed to read all the way to here - congratulations, count yourself the survivor. If you're skimming the text attracted by the word 'zombie' - you're probably infected. To the zombiefied I have nothing to say cause they will not read this.