Saturday, 21 June 2008

Losing a plot.

After reading another book.

Why can't the life we have to lead be a bit more like a novel? No, not more exciting, there plenty of that around especially when you're trying to have a quiet night in, not having more dialogue bits, enough random rambling one has to deal with every day, not full of adventures, good old fashioned role playing takes care of the lust of killing princesses and freeing dragons or the other way round whatever you fancy, what I mean is more, like, having a plot. You know, beginning, nice long interesting sequence of events that are connected in some logical way,ending. Novel: Things happen because something else happened first. Things happen for no reason but at least one at a time so they can be dealt with properly. Things happen suddenly but even these plot twisters usually have their ending, happy or otherwise, and can be left in the past. Life: Things happen. This is all that is certain. Things happen because they like to confuse poor buggers trying to live their lifes, for no reason, suddenly, in clusters, all at the same time, some end before we manage to notice them, some never seem to end, good, bad, undefined by morals, happy, sad, dramatic, amazing things happen constantly. Our lives are not reassuringly linear and sequenced, they're a bloody tangled barbwire mess of interlinked events. No wonder so many people loses the plot... there isn't any in the first place.

So, the choice is to fight and get scarred or hide and get scared, the choice of the path in the jungle of thickly growing things-that-happen called life is entirely up to you...